Small habits to enrich communities
Small habits to enrich communities helps leaders and teams to discover how to take time, make effort and sacrifice to generate gift ties in which people give and receive without expectation.
The workshop helps people embrace a relationship approach to bid with generosity, earn trust and connect with communities on a human scale. We help you connect to the place you lead from and demonstrate mutual care, trust and respect.
An outcome of the workshop is the development of your own ‘habits playbook’ - a set of rituals and customs centred around what promises you make and what promises you keep.
If your keen to explore how to cultivate belonging and the questions below this workshop is for you.
– How do you give back to the community?
– Can you be led by the community?
– How do you welcome people and value their contribution?
– Do you give time and energy?
– Can you sacrifice something you can never get back?
– How do you create a feeling on your team that attracts people to you?
How do we design for belonging?